

First Classes

I wake up at 8 am in this morning. My father and brother already worked out when I wake up. Then I washed my face and brushed my hair and ate breakfast. I went out home at 9:15 am . I came here by train. It takes time 1 hour. Today is first writing class. I am enjoying class now.
(60 words)

3 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Kurumi,
    You are going to have to write more if you want to pass. Please try to write everyday!

  2. Hi Kurumi,I'm harattyo.
    Your home is so far!!!

  3. Hi! I'm Yohei and one of teaching assistants.
    Mr.Tomei already said above,
    you have to write more.
    Blogging is hard and difficult, but it makes your english better.
    Hang in there!
