Today I went to a part time job in this morning. But I had overslept. I have to arrive there until 4:50am but I woke up at 5:30am!! I was very flurried. So I haven't finished some task. It was very regret for me. Such things are not first time. I sometimes oversleep. It is not good things. Its always made me feeling down. I want to change my habit.
In this afternoon, I went to shopping with Chika. It was very happy things for me. Then we went to downtown by train. Today, PARCO's sale was final day!! I wanted to go there very much before. I bought T-shirt in LOWRYS FARM. It price down was only 500yen. But I became happy to get the cloth. In PARCO, I met to Sayaka! She bought some clothes. It was very cute☆ Another places, I sometimes met her. She was enjoying shopping with her friend. After that, I went to New-S and Chika went to Thank you mart. In New-S, there was sale some shops too. It was very tempting for me.
But I enjoyed watching shopping. It was very fun!! She bought a t-shirt in thank you mart.
She goes to the state of Minnesota for overseas course soon. So I can't meet her for a month. It is sad things for me. But I am cheering her. Fight Chika!!