On August 29, I went to downtown to have one's hair permed and watching the movie with Chika. She stayed in America about 1 month this summer so I played with her for a long time. First, we went to book store in Daiei. Then she bought mook book and I bought fashion magazine. After, we dropped at
Daicyuu. There are a lot of cute items. I found my liking cushion and socks so I bought it. After that, we went to beauty salon to have one's hair permed. There is in Shimo street. The salon's name is Zoar. The hairdressers were all men so we were tense very much:(haha We took to have one's hair permed about 3 hours in all. Chika becomes permanent very well. She looks very cute!! After that, we went to Cineplex to watch the movie. We watched "Cyonmage Purin". It appears Ryo Nishikido. His part is samurai so I was not used to seeing it. One scene, his hairstyle was very funny because he came out of a bath. It looked ochimusya. I and Chika laughed very much. This story was very impressive for me. I cried than when I watched the Hanamizuki. I like this story very much. Today, I had a good day. Today was very fun♪(220words)