In 20 years, I am 40 years old. This is my introduction my 20 years in the future. I get a job when I am 22 years old. I work at magazine article. I become editer. I like to write so I am very happy to be working there. I conduct an interview every day. It is very hard for me but I feel a sense of fulfillment. I like that job very much. I work there for 8 years. I had a lot of experience at an office. I thank the office and people.
I quit a job for marry when I am 30 years old. I meet my husband at office. When I met him at first, I don’t think he will become my husband in the future because he isn’t my type. But I attracted by his character because he is very work ardor and kind and interesting and broad mind and lady first. I respect him very much. I like such him so I marry with him.
I have a son and a daughter. My son is 9 years old. His character is kind and fresh. He likes sports very much and watching a sports on the television too. He often plays catch with my husband. He wants to become good at sports player. My daughter is 5 years old. She is kind too and fashionable. She has a lot of clothes so I spend a lot of money for her clothes. She likes singing. When she watching on music television, she always singing too. It looks very fun and cute. I think pretty both of them. I love my children very much.
My family has a dog. The pet is golden retriever. He name is berry. We love him very much. I sometimes work around neighborhood with him. It is very fun and relaxing. Berry is wise so thief doesn't come in my house. We are dependence him very much.
I cook for my family everyday. I was not good at cooking when I will become started a mother . But I become good at cooking better than before. I feel fun to cook now. My everyday is so fun. I feel happy. (369words)