This story is about flood. So it is not happy story. But don't worry. No one died. I'll introduction this story. There was a family in America. They lived in two story house. One day, it had been raining for a week. So Sam and his dog spot looked out of the window. Then "Mum! Dad!" called Sam. "Come and look at the water! I can't see the garden" shouted Sam. Because a car was in the water. Sam and Rachel ran to save their toys. They hurried up and went upstairs. So everyone was safe. But they can't get out and no one can have a drink of water and phone was dead. Then dad looked over there, the boat came here. "It's Andy McDonald" dad said. Her friend was helping their family by boat. So they went out the house and they survived. (150words)
Jenny G (1994) The flood Nelson Price Milburn Ltd and distributed as follows
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