I read " The Golden Goose". It was interesting and unforeseen story. This story is about a woodcutter, who had three sons. Their name are Ronald, Donald and Billy. Ronald was strong, Donalds was handsome. But Billy wasn't strong and handsome. One day, the woodcutter became ill. So Ronald went to forest for to chop a wood. Then, a little old man appeared suddenly in front of him when he ate a lunch and he said "Please can you spare some food"? But, Ronald didn't give food. The next morning, he itched all over. So next, Ronalds went to the forest. Then, a old appeared again when he was eating a lunch. He asked similar question. But Ronald didn't give food too.The next morning, he became purple face. He was very shocked. So next, Billy went instead. At lunchtime, Billy sat down to eat. Then, the little old man popped up again and he begged "Please will you share your food with me? ". Billy said "Of course".So he got a golden goose from the little old man. I think who is an angel. After that, Billy was steered to a castle. There was in Princess. The princess lived in that castle. She never, ever smiled. But, she started to smile when Billy and golden goose saw. Then, King said "Young man, would you like to marry my daughter?". Billy said "Yes Please!". The little old man appeared at the wedding. Billy is very lucky because I think who character is kind. This story is happy end. I like this story. (289words)
Grimm B (2008) The Golden Goose Usborne Publishing Ltd
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