This is funny and cute story. I will introduce about this story. One day, Mom and her children went to shopping. In arrived, the children found a funny things. There was an elephant advertising balloon on the roof. It is funny for the children. Because it is fat elephant. The children laughed. But, their mom didn't laugh. She thought it was silly. When they went home, there blew a strong wind and rained. So the elephant advertising balloon blew away. Next morning, the children went to school. Then they found the elephant. The elephant was in the ground. They laughed and delighted very much. So they want to stay here the elephant. But it was no possible. After few days, a man want to take back the elephant to store. So a man took out the air. Then the elephant became flat. This story is very interesting. I like this story very much. Please read this story everyone!! (159words)
Roderick H, 1997, The Flying Elephant, Oxford University Press.
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