

BR:01 The Mouse's Wedding

I am going to tell you about this story. This story is mice's story. The main character are Father mouse, Mother mouse, Miss mouse. Miss mouse didn't marry so her parents were searching for her good husband. They want to marry her like most powerful husband in the world. So they searched like him. First, Father mouse thought that is sun because he makes our days bright and warm so they talked him. But, the sun couldn't think that is the most powerful in the world by oneself. So they met cloud, wind and wall. They have powerful point each other. But, everyone couldn't think that is most powerful in the world by oneself. Finally, the mouse family met young handsome mouse. When they saw him at first, he was digging a wall. So he looks very strong and powerful for them. Then, he thought that is powerful by oneself in the world. So Miss mouse and Young handsome mouse married. The wedding ceremony came to the sun, the cloud, the wind. But, they didn't come all at once. It is right. This story is very interesting. Besides, picture is so cute. I like this story. (201words)

Mackinnon, Mairi. (2008) The Mouse's Wedding. Usborne Publishing Ltd.

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