This story's name is "The Runaway Pancake". It was interest title for me so I choose this book. Besides, picture of a book cover is so cute. I will introduce about this story. One day, there was once a family. There were seven children and their parents. There were always hungry so mother cooked a pancake for breakfast. But, the pancake jumped from pan and rolled out of outside when she tossed the pancake. The pancake was creature and it has a face. It looks so interesting. The pancake passed a dog's kennel. A family chased it by everyone. But, the pancake rolled and rolled. So no one caught it. A rabbit, a duck, a cat, a goat, a fox found the pancake when it rolled on the way. Then the family and the animals chased the pancake by everyone. Finally, the pancake was eaten one pig so the family envied the pig. This story appeared a lot of animal so it was so cute. I like this story. (171words)
Mackinnon, Mair. (2006) The RUNAWAY PANCAK. Usborne Publishing Ltd.
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