I will introduce about this story. This story's title is "THREE BY THE SEA". What are you imagine when you hear this title? One day, there were three children on the beach. Their names were Lolly, Spider and Sam. They went to the beach to go to picnic in summer. Lolly had one book but it was so dull. So Sam made a story. The story is fun. So I will tell you about his story. There was a rat. He was going to a pet shop. There was a cat similar the rat. He had never seen like a pretty cat so he bought the cat. They became a friend. Then they talked about their favorite foods. But, the cat didn't want to say his favorite foods. After that, the cat said his favorite foods. First, I thought his favorite food that is rat. But, it was different. The cat's favorite food was cheese!! Then a rat had a cheese so it gave to the cat. So the cat was so glad. This is ending of this story. After Lolly had finished heard the story, she thought dump about the story of ending. So next, Sam made a story. His story was about monster. The monster stayed in the beach. He was so hungry so he searching for to eat something. He found jouicy eating. It was Lolly and Sam. Then Lolly and Sam were so scared!! After Spider said about his story, he laughed himself. Lolly and Sam also laugh. Spider's story is the best interesting story in of all. I like his story too. (271words)
Marchall, Edward. (1994) THREE BY THE SEA. Puffin Easy-to Read edition.
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