I will introduce about this story. This story's title is "The Giant Jelly Bean Jar". This story's main character is Ben. He has an older sister. Her name is Jill. He liked going to Jo-Jo's Jelly Bean Shop very much. He loved Jelly Beans so much!! The owner' name of the shop is Jo-Jo so the shop's name is Jo-Jo. The Jo-Jo's Jelly Bean Shop had a contest every weekend. The contest's detail is...if someone answer the question and it will be correct, the person can get a jelly beans. So Ben went to the contest every week. But, he had never answered the question because he was so shy boy and small voice. One day, the Jo-Jo's Jelly Bean Shop held a party because it had been open for one year!! So Ben went to the party and participates in the contest. He shouted a big voice to touch the question by Jo-Jo. Then he touched by Jo-Jo. When he touched him, Ben was so surprised. But, it was so happy and glad for him and Ben answered the question and his answer was correct. So He got a Jelly Beans. He became a Grand Prize Jelly Bean King!! It was so good story. He got a courage thanks for the contest. I like this story. (232words)
Aboff, Marcie. (2004) The Giant Jelly Bean Jar. Penguin.
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